lunes, 15 de abril de 2019


 In this semester my learning process is good because the teacher explain very well and his class are very didactics, interactive ,  I know that I have weakness in my pronunciation and in grammatically  but my teacher is good because he give me  the opportunity of participate in his class also i think that is very interesting when the teacher said that work in couples and  after make a report speech I think that is a good idea to improve english skills  , I like participate but in that moment,  I was  very nervious because i think that I wrong , I  like the listening activity was very  interesting and I think was a great  idea , I  need  improve  my english skills for this reason  I need more practice and  effort.

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martes, 9 de abril de 2019


 Jane smith
 harvard university
bogota ,colombia

Dear Ms Smith

My name is gabriela leon , Iam a student f modern languagues , This letter is to express my sincere interest to be part of student community ,I want to improve  my skills in this university such as the knowledge of three languages, english, korean and spanish and additionally I will teach about  my capacities , I know that this prestigious university has a system of scholarships , I want  to participe by one , I request  more information about this process , I should  be selected because I am a person with the experience because I have been a teacher for ten years additionally the best things for teach.

Thanks for your attention

gabriela leon

Resultado de imagen para harvard

lunes, 8 de abril de 2019


Martin Luther king

Resultado de imagen para martin luther king biography
He was an American pastor , He was born in january 15 of 1929 in Atlanta ,he changed  the world because  He develop his leadership in united states for civil rights for afro americans inspired by  gandhi ,.He mobilize a growing  portion of afro americans  comunity, figth  for fundamental isues such as the right to vote , a not discrimination aspects that were deneid for this population.
In the summer of  1963 a historic movilization in washington Dc culminated with approximately 250000 protesters, figth for work  and freedom for this reason he had a way with people this event 
was the most  remembered by americans  because in his first speech  declared, "We have no alternative but to protest. For many years we have shown an amazing patience. We have sometimes given our white brothers the feeling that we liked the way we were being treated. But we come here tonight to be saved from that patience that makes us patient with anything less than freedom and justice.", he passes away in april  4 of 1968 .
In 1983, President Ronald Reagan signed into law a bill creating Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a federal holiday honoring the legacy of the slain civil rights leader. The holiday was first celebrated in 1986, and in all 50 states in 2000.

1. what were the reasons for his dead ?
 In 1968, the years of demonstrations and confrontations were beginning to wear on Martin Luther King Jr. He had grown tired of marches, going to jail, and living under the constant threat of death. He was becoming discouraged at the slow progress of civil rights in America and the increasing criticism from other African-American leaders. he waiting in his room at the Lorraine Motel, Martin Luther King Jr. was killed by a sniper's bullet.
2 what things you doing to change the world ?
you can plant a garden , stop pulliting the water , reconsider your eating  habits, be kinder , clean  your house this are a simple ways that you can help bring about positive change in the world 
3 what event was the most important by afroamerican?
In the spring of 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. organized a demonstration in downtown washington, Entire families attended. City police turned dogs and fire hoses on demonstrators. Martin Luther King was jailed along with large numbers of his supporters, but the event drew nationwide attention.

lunes, 1 de abril de 2019

The Boy Who Painted Christ Black

In 1941, an epoch of racism in Georgia, there was a school called Muskogee Couty. It was for black people, in this school Aaron was a very talented child.
the director George of this school announces a new competition for pride day, where students will show their skills by creating a painting.
Aaron decides to make a gift for Miss Williams, his teacher which was a painting, the teacher to see this detail is impressed with the painting because this was a black skinned Christ, who transcend the conservative thoughts of that time, Aaron explains that the He believes that Jesus was black to all his companions so the teacher decides that this painting deserves to enter the contest.
Supervisor Daniel sees this painting is angry because a white person had other convictions and beliefs about Christ tells George that this painting cannot enter the contest.
George begins to think that he should do since he agrees with the painting but wants the assent that supervisor Daniel gave him but for this he would have to obey it.
the pray day arrived all the contestants were eager for the final result, George presents the winning painting this was Aaron's, Aaron to see who was the winner is excited to know that it was the best painting

2 what is the main problematic in the film ?

The main problem in this film is that at this time there was racism towards black people as shown by the film there was only one school for them which showed that at that time the black and white people could not mix part of that white people had their principles and beliefs which was that Christ is white but because it can not be black in my opinion Christ can be as we wanted to imagine it because if we are in the image of god, Jesus can be white black oriental mestizo depends of the conception of the person also at this time the white men believed beings of superior race and treated the black people as slaves I can imagine how much people would suffer from these differences of thoughts

3 How can you relate the problematic in the film?

In my country, the problem of racism is affected in the minorities of both black people and indigenous or Venezuelans who have decided to come to live in my country these communities have not had much help from the state although there are people who accept the differences there are other They do not accept these people in our country and tend to attack them or receive oblivion as in the choco this area suffers abandonment by the state that lets children and adults die, another way in which this film is reflected in reality is the distinction of social classes in my country is reflected in health and some areas of the country where rich people live who do not care if other people are well or make people feel less

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